Our Story

Mission Statement:

Through innovation in business processes and excellence in communication, B&T Insurance and Financial Services commits to the highest standard of professionalism in delivering consistent and exemplary insurance service to our customers. We strive to build long-lasting relationship with the community we serve through our core beliefs in personal dedication, group integrity and customer-focused attitude.


B&T Insurance and Financial Services strive to become the leading one-stop shop in its community by creating sustainable values that our clients can depend on. We aim to set the standard of excellence among insurance providers through innovative risk management solutions while continually remind ourselves of the core values we take pride in-integrity, reliability, and sensibility.

B&T Insurance And Financial Services Inc

Our Values

In today's uncertain world, B&T Insurance and Financial Services remains strong and committed
to our proud foundation of values, which is rooted in our shared belief in:

  • Integrity : We are your neighbor, your friend that you can always trust.

  • Professionalism : We hold ourselves to the highest standard, today and tomorrow, in providing you with the quality service you deserve.

  • Respect : By our agents. Our support team. Our carriers' representatives. And by the quality service we provide to you.

  • Reliability : We are the friends you know you can always count on in trouble times.